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Home Blog Latest Zero Dark Thirty teaser trailer threatens to spill secrets
Zero Dark Thirty teaser trailer threatens to spill secrets Print E-mail
Written by Ivan Radford   
Tuesday, 07 August 2012 17:10

The teaser trailer for Zero Darky Thirty has landed - and it's full of secrecy. Delicious, sexy secrecy.

"Where was the last time you saw Bin Laden?" shouts one nameless soldier. Several times. But if you can ignore Batman's laughable interrogation tactics, Kathryn Bigelow's thriller sets itself up to be something very interesting: a re-scripted version of America's historic manhunt first caught on camera by screenwriter Mark Boal, who was making a documentary at the time.

We don't see much, if anything, of our main cast here (incouding Joel Edgerton, Mark Strong and Jessica Chastain). The trailer even has fun with its classified content, scrawling black marker pen all over the screen, from the World Trade Center to Osama Bin Laden's Abbottabad compound, but from what we can witness here - and judging by the last time Bigelow and realistic warfare collided in a fictionalised thriller - Zero Dark Thirty should have one heck of a punch, not least because Bigelow and Boal are determined to avoid being seen as a pro-Presidential piece to support Barack Obama.

How truthful will it end up being? That, I'll wager, will remain a secret long after the film is released.


Read on for the Zero Dark Thirty teaser trailer.



  • bin laden
  • jessica chastain
  • joel edgerton
  • kathryn bigelow
  • mark strong
  • the hurt locker
  • zero dark thirty